This is a collection of random thoughts which grouped together like sheep on a cold winter morning. It happens when I lie down to rest my healing broken back. I try not to do it too often because sometimes I go to sleep, and the sleeping dreams are far worse than the waking ones.
I was reading up on the alleged killing of babies under the age of two by King Herod. There is actually no written evidence to support this, except in the Bible, of course. Although that’s good enough for me, I realize there are those who need something written by Augustin or Josephus or someone of that ilk (rather than God) to solidify their belief. What we do know is that Herod wasn’t exactly a model father (he killed three of his sons) or husband (and at least one of his wives.) He brought dysfunction and narcissism (until B.O.) to a whole new level.
But someone did make the point that, if Herod did indeed order all male children under a certain age in that area killed, the number would be very small. In his very scholarly article, The Slaughter of the Innocents: Historical Fact or Legendary Fiction? Gordon Franz had this to say:
“Yet Professor William F. Albright, the dean of American archaeology in the Holy Land, estimates that the population of Bethlehem at the time of Jesus’ birth to be about 300 people (Albright and Mann 1971:19). The number of male children, two years old or younger, would be about six or seven (Maier 1998:178, footnote 25). This would hardly be a newsworthy event in light of what else was going on at the time. Please do not get me wrong, one innocent child being killed is a horrific tragedy.” (Emphasis added)
I agree. And that is why I am chronically horrified by the wholesale slaughter of the unborn and the use of the abortion issue as a volley ball in the game of Socialized Medicine. Here’s a paragraph buried in a Washington Examiner article, that tells us exactly how the Whore of Nebraska lies down:
“ In the end, though, Nelson treated abortion like any other of the dozens of shoddy little deals that have been the hallmark of the legislation. The final abortion compromise that won Nelson's support was not substantially different than the one he had despaired of the week before. The change was that Nelson got free Medicare money for his state and some stroking for his own ego.”
So I guess you could say, “Well, shucks, King Herod wasn’t such a bad old guy after all. Fewer than a dozen kids compared to 40 or 50 million? Of course, it takes more than just one king to carry out all that slaughter today. Good thing we have the likes of King-in-his-own-Mind Barack Obama, cabinet member Kathleen Sebelius, most of Congress, and doctors like George Tiller, now dead, and Nancy Pelosi’s pal, LeRoy Carhart, who is alive and well.
The slaughter goes on and the whores continue to spend a lot of time on their backs.
Mahamudra Meditation...
3 hours ago
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